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1、蒸汽调节阀的阀体流体通道呈S流线型, 压降损失小, 流量大, 可调范围广,流量特性曲线精度高

2、蒸汽调节阀阀芯导向面积大, 抗振性好。结构紧凑,输出力大,可用于控制各种不同压力和温度的蒸汽




(1) 阀芯形状结构主要根据所选择的流量特性和不平衡力等因素考虑。

(2) 耐磨损性当流体介质是含有高浓度磨损性颗粒的悬浮液时,阀的内部材料要坚硬。

(3) 耐腐蚀性由于介质具有腐蚀性,尽量选择结构简单阀门。

(4) 介质的温度、压力当介质的温度、压力高且变化大时,应选用阀芯和阀座的材料受温度、压力变化小的阀门。

(5) 防止闪蒸和空化闪蒸和空化只产生在液体介质。在实际生产过程中,闪蒸和空化会形成振动和噪声,缩短阀门的使用寿命,因此在选择阀门时应防止阀门产生闪蒸和空化。

Inlet steam valve

Inlet steam control valve is driven by compressed air source to the cylinder as the actuator, and the help of electric valve positioner, accessories converters, solenoid valves, valves and other secure his position to drive the valve to achieve proportional adjustment switch or receiving industrial automation and control systems control signal to complete the adjustment of media channels: flow, pressure, temperature and other process parameters. Pneumatic control valve is characterized by simple, rapid response, and the intrinsically safe, without additional proof before taking action.

Common reasons for imported steam control valve failure and resulting

(A) regulating valve does not operate. Symptom and for the following reasons:

1. No signal, no gas supply. ① gas source is not open, ② air moisture in the winter due to ice, causing duct blockage or filters, valve block failure, ③ compressor failure; ④ pneumatic manifold leak.

2. Gas source, no signal. ① regulator failure, ② signal pipe leakage; ③ bellows leak locator; ④ adjust caul sheet damage.

3. Locator airless sources. ① filter clogging; ② valve failure I③ pipeline leak or blockage.

4. Locator gas source, no output. Locator clogging of the orifice.

5. A signal, no action. Spool off ①, ② spool and social or stuck with the valve seat; ③ stem bent or broken; ④ spool valve block frozen or burnt dirt; ⑤ actuator springs rusted because of long-term need.

Inlet steam control valve has the following features:

A steam control valve body fluid channel S streamlined, the pressure drop, flow rate, adjustable wide range of high precision flow characteristic curve

2, the steam valve plug guide area, good vibration resistance. Compact structure, the output force, can be used to control a wide range of pressure and temperature steam

3, the steam control valve member through a fine grinding, to eliminate traces, reduce or eliminate the sealing gap and improve the smoothness of the sealing surface, having a high sealing performance.

4, steam control valve is equipped with high-precision positioning and a variety of membrane switches, diaphragm and temperature sensing devices that can precisely control the pressure of the steam flow and temperature and other parameters.

Selection of imported steam control valve:

(1) disc shape of the structure is mainly based on the selected flow characteristics and unbalanced forces and other factors considered.

(2) wear resistance when the fluid medium is a suspension containing a high concentration of abrasive particles, the internal material of the valve to be hard.

(3) corrosion resistance as a corrosive medium, try to choose simple valve.

Temperature (4) media pressure when the medium temperature, high pressure and great change, should be chosen disc and seat materials by temperature and pressure changes small valves.

(5) to prevent flash steam and air and cavitation only in a liquid medium. In the actual production process, steam and air will form a vibration and noise, shortening the life of the valve, so when selecting a valve to prevent the valve generate steam and air.

Germany Orr Shen (ORSEN) International Group was established in 1953, the company has a strong design team to develop a fluid control products lead the new trend in Europe. After 50 years of development, Orr Shen (ORSEN) has become Germany, Europe and the world's most famous brand of fluid control. Shanghai International Group by the German Orr (GER ORSEN INTERNATIONAL GROUP) authorization and Beijing Huatai Hui Valve Co., Ltd. for the German ORSEN International Group (GER ORSEN INTERNATIONAL GROUP) in Beijing, China agent, is responsible for the promotion of China in Beijing, service and sales. Please login website: http: //www.bj-valve.net/product/detail/1066.html Selection Tel: 010-57165677 Huatai Hui URL: http: //www.bj-valve.net/ Sales Manager: Wang Master Mobile: 13718983583

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